Thursday, December 22, 2011

SSX Gameplay Footage

Supposedly slated for a February, 2012 release, EA Sports' SSX is looking damned awesome despite the footage being from the Alpha build.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

10,000?! Holy Crap!

I created this little shitty corner of the internet so that I could dump the crap I found online into one spot so that I could more easily share with my friends.  Now, I know this doesn't get a ton of site visits, but it gets a few here and there and to all of you that have found themselves here let me just send out a heartfelt THANK YOU.  I just hit 10,000 visitors a few days ago and am pretty psyched about it.

That's it.  No cool contests.  No prizes.  Nada.  Nuttin'.  Just my thanks for perusing this shitty blog space.  10,000 may be nothing compared to what everyone else gets on their sites but it sure seems like a ton to me.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Rudolph the Red Nosed Tauntaun

Baby Magneto

Avengers - Then and Now

Real Superheroes Now Have Real Supervillains

I get weirded out whenever I read stories about "real life superheroes."  I don't mean stories about firefighters who storm into a burning building to save a puppy.  I don't mean a soldier who dove onto a live grenade, sacrificing himself to save the lives of many.  No.  I mean guys like Phoenix Jones who wear home made costumes and patrol the streets as vigilantes.  Sure, when I was a kid I used to fantasize about being a superhero.  And yes, when I was in high school I used to draw "realistic" suits of armor that could be worn in real life to battle actual thugs.  But the guys that actually go out and do it, well... they scare me a little and I can't put my finger on why.  They're harmless, mostly (unless they start squirting pepper spray at people they think are causing a ruckus).  But I'm guessing most actual thugs and "bad guys" don't take these guys seriously.

All that is about to change.  As the Joker said in 2008's The Dark Knight: "You won't kill me out of some misplaced sense of self-righteousness. And I won't kill you because you're just too much fun. I think you and I are destined to do this forever."  Every hero has his villain and for these "real life superheroes" they have organized.

Enter the Ruthless Organization Against Citizen Heroes or ROACH.  Per their website:

Our primary goal is to be a counter balancing force against the Superheroes of the world who's goodwill and penchant for spreading hope has gone on unchecked for far too long. Where they exist to help and motivate society, we exist to help and motivate ourselves and to bring society under our boot!
But! It can not be done alone! Only through working together may we achieve our goal of creating mayhem and chaos across the globe, and in the process CRUSH the costumed heroes of the planet! Then, once mayhem and chaos have been created we will use our superior intellect and braun to forge a new world order under the flag of R.O.A.C.H.
I love these guys!  They are about four hundred shades of awesome higher than any of these citizen "real life superheroes."  Their fearless leader is a smoky headed fellow named "The Potentate" and his second in command is "Plague" whose special abilities include being a "master of Wit and Scorn."

Just awesome.

Check out their official website HERE.

Battlefield 3 - Mid-Air Headshot

Complete luck or incredible skill?

2011's Worst Music Video?

So, a group of guys who like metal and also reminisce about a late 1980's era computer game called Alternate Reality decided to form a band and this is one of their music videos.  Sounds harmless, right?


And, in case you were wondering: yes.  These guys are actually serious.

I wish there was a new music category like "Hilariously Awesome" or "Terribly Cool With An Emphasis On Terrible."