Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Awesome Old Spice Ads

Damn.  You'd think I was getting ad revenue for putting so many Old Spice ads on here today.  Whatever.  These ads are effing hilarious, especially the second one with the Watermelon.

Old Spice Wolfdog Ads

Wolfdog is awesome.

Slingshot Condom Machine

Description taken directly from the YouTube video:

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation offers 100,000 USD for projects that improve things around condoms.


"Application of knowledge from other fields" is explicitly called for. Bill looks for "attributes that increase ease-of-use" and designs that make it "easier to properly apply" a preservative.

Of course The Slingshot Channel HAS to come forth and help the visionary billionaire on his lofty quest. Therefore, this video brings to you the world's first condom applicator slingshot gun!

I love the guy's supervillain-esque laugh.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Earl of Lemongrab Feat. Will Sasso

I don't get it.  I know it has something to do with a "lemon compilation" that Will Sasso did, but I still don't get it.  Cartoon Network is using this altered version as part of a television ad for Adventure Time.

Like I said, I don't get it.  But it's so effing awesome and I laughed my ass off at some of Sasso's facial expressions.
