Wednesday, October 5, 2011

PS3's Long Live Play "Michael" Ad

If you'll remember THIS POST then you'll know Sony was going to do a follow up... and here it is:

As a love letter to gamers, Sony has absolutely nailed it.  This ad was deep fried in kickass and drizzled with awesome sauce.  They even went so far as to get all of the original voice actors to do their respective characters (Nolan North for Drake, David Hayter for Solid Snake, Roger Craig Smith for Ezio, etc) and inserted a metric shit ton of delicious gaming references.  See below for what some other folks on the internets have discovered (if some of the pics are tough to see below, make sure you click to embiggen).

1 comment:

  1. Cole McGrath in this commercial is actually from inFAMOUS 2. Yeah, it's the same character from inFAMOUS, but the addition of the weapon on his back means it's specifically from #2.

    Not to be a stickler, but the Chell portrayed is also from the second installment. She did not have her jumpsuit unzipped like that in the first game. Same goes for Isaac Clarke (Dead Space) - that specific suit is from #2.

    The football (LOL hand-egg - fucking Brits) player's uniform looks more in line with college teams than pro.
