Tuesday, December 6, 2011

10,000?! Holy Crap!

I created this little shitty corner of the internet so that I could dump the crap I found online into one spot so that I could more easily share with my friends.  Now, I know this doesn't get a ton of site visits, but it gets a few here and there and to all of you that have found themselves here let me just send out a heartfelt THANK YOU.  I just hit 10,000 visitors a few days ago and am pretty psyched about it.

That's it.  No cool contests.  No prizes.  Nada.  Nuttin'.  Just my thanks for perusing this shitty blog space.  10,000 may be nothing compared to what everyone else gets on their sites but it sure seems like a ton to me.


  1. 3,300 times I've been here.
    3,300 times Chris has been here.
    3,300 times Rick has been here.
    100 times for all the random people.

  2. Haha. I was gonna post the same thing.
