Friday, December 2, 2011

Battlefield 3 - Mid-Air Headshot

Complete luck or incredible skill?

1 comment:

  1. Complete luck.

    I've done some rather 1 in a million things in the BF series... First thing that comes to mind is while playing Soldier 9's Realism Mod for BF1942. Launched a rifle grenade from mid-beach (Omaha Beach - reconstructed to actual dimensions) into a German pillbox up on the cliff. Managed to arc it into the slit window and killed the guy on the mounted gun.

    It's the kind of thing I practiced but never successfully pulled off until that moment. I was called a cheater by the deceased opposing soldier, but it was a one in a million shot, and I fired a fragmentation grenade into a confined space in a mod where weapons had realistic effects - meaning it blew him the living hell up like a grenade would.
