Monday, January 23, 2012

You Got Your Forgotten Realms In My Dungeons and Dragons Online!

Lots of Dungeons and Dragons news of late, eh?  The free to play online PC game Dungeons and Dragons Online has not had a true, full expansion in its six years.  Sure, there have been updates with new areas, dungeons, and such but not a large scale expansion.  Until now.  This new expansion will increase the level cap from 20 to 25 and, here's the big holy shit moment, will open up an entire new world outside of Eberron: the Forgotten Realms.  This is where D&D Online should have been initially set anyway, if you ask me. 

Releasing this summer, D&D Online players will finally get the chance to delve into the Forgotten Realms setting with the release of the free Menace of the Underdark expansion.  This may very well get me back into playing D&D Online again.

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