Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Hobbit: All 13 Dwarves Revealed

Here are all 13 dwarves from Peter Jackson's The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (releases December, 2012).  From left to right they are: Nori (Jed Brophy), Fili (Dean O' Gorman), Dori (Mark Hadlow), Bofur (James Nesbitt), Gloin (Peter Hambleton), Dwalin (Graham McTavish), Thorin Oakenshield (Richard Armitage), Balin (Ken Stott), Oin (John Callen), Bombur (Stephen Hunter), Bifur (William Kircher), Ori (Adam Brown), Kili (Aidan Turner).  Click pic to embiggen:

Here's another version with the characters spread out a bit and some in different positions (though it is missing Thorin):

1 comment:

  1. Some of them look like they have small heads in proportion to their bodies, especially Oakenshield. I like that they don't all just look like Gimli - though Oin and Gloin should - and that they seem to have a bit of a difference in dress based on their connections to each other. For instance, Balin and Dwailin have similar outfits, and no others have those same details.

    I hope Jackson's wife and her friend don't try to shoehorn some sort of dumb romantic plot into this one like they did LOTR.
