Monday, December 13, 2010

Rock Em Sock Em Robots the Movie

A few years back there was talk of various boardgames being made into film: Monopoly, Battleship, Candyland, Ouija, and Rock Em Sock Em Robots. No, seriously. Some Hollywood shit-for-brains actually thought a movie should be made about Candyland.

Sure, there was 1985's Clue but that game is already laid out with a plot like structure and lent itself to a movie adaption pretty damn well. But now they're talking about a remake or at least another version of Clue as a movie. Does it seem to anyone else that people are running out of ideas to make original movies?

So, I don't really know if the upcoming movie Real Steel is really what happened with the original idea for a Rock Em Sock Em Robots movie, but it sure looks like it. And it looks effing dumb.

Where's my Hungry Hungry Hippos movie, Hollywood bitches?

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