Monday, January 24, 2011

Two More Matrix Movies On The Way And Samurai Keanu?!

According to Ain't It Cool News, Keanu Reeves spoke at the London School of Performing Arts and mentioned that two new Matrix movies are currently being discussed.

Says he met the Wachowski's (no emphasis on the word brothers), for lunch over Christmas and stated that they had completed work on a two picture script treatment that would see him return to the world of the matrix as Neo. Says the brothers have met with Jim Cameron to discuss the pro's and con's of 3D and are looking to deliver something which has never been seen again. keanu stated that he still has an obligation to the fans to deliver a movie worthy of the title "The Matrix" and he swears this time that the treatment will truly revolutionise the action genre like the first movie. Wachowski's are working on a movie called "Cloud Atlas" at the moment, once that concludes they will talk again.
I know it sounds cliched, but parts two and three sucked.  I had such high hopes for them but in the end they blew huge chunks.  Just watching them tarnishes the beauty of the first one.  Let's hope that if they *do* move forward with this that they don't continue to shit on the first movie's awesomeness.

Also in his talk, Keanu discussed working on an "action movie around the world of the samurai and that it will be a hard 'R' rated 3D action feast that will deliver some great martial arts set pieces."  This sounds fracking awful, to tell the truth.  And now that I've seen on the IMDb that the movie is going to be based on the story of the 47 Ronin I just know it's going to be stupid enough to actually cause viewers to drop IQ points by the time the ending credits roll and will probably ruin the legend by infusing the story with turds.  I'm sure I'll see it once it hits Netflix, but mark my words: this one is also going to suck the balls.

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