Thursday, January 20, 2011

Survivorman Is Way Cooler Than Man vs Wild

I will admit that Bear Grylls, the host of Man vs Wild, is a badass and his name is the single manliest sounding name in history (the only possible exception is Magnus Ver Magnusson). Whenever I say his name aloud I grow a moustache - it is THAT manly of a name. His first name is Bear, one of the scariest damned beasts that exists (aside from tiny spiders, of course) and his last name is Grylls which are those things you cook fucking steaks on (rare, of course)! He also eats bear shit, live snakes, and drinks his own urine FOR OUR ENTERTAINMENT! If that isn't manly, I'm not sure what is. Oof. My moustache just grew chest hair thinking about it.

However, there is another man that is far superior to Bear Grylls and his name is Les Stroud. No, his name isn't manly. As a matter of fact it sounds downright silly. It's the name of an insurance adjuster or a bellhop. But I've been shouting from the rooftops (apologies to my neighbors) that this guy is just that much more hardcore (hardcorer?) than Bear Grylls. Damn! My moustache's chest hair is now smoking stogies.

You may have heard of the show, Survivorman. It's the same general principal as Man vs Wild, but it's an entirely different ballgame and I've never been able to accurately explain to others why this guy and his show are just that much hardcorer (the hardcorest?). I finally found a picture that explains it perfectly:

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