Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Video Game Zombies

I love zombies. Purists will note that I don't just like reanimated-dead-corpse style zombies, but also the infected-by-a-virus style, Haitian voodoo zombies, and other iterations (maybe some day I'll explain my theory of how the notion of "zombie" has changed over the years as a reflection of our current fears).

Zombie movies (Night of the Living Dead, 28 Days Later, etc), zombie comics (Walking Dead, Crossed, etc), and especially zombie video games (Left 4 Dead, Dead Rising, etc) - these are a few of my favorite things.

Here's a cool little article on the history of zombies in video games courtesy of GamePro.


  1. There was an awesome DRAGON magazine October issue a few years ago about the belief systems of numerous cultures pertaining to death. The Haitian zombie/Voodoo stuff was covered. I really wish I knew where I left that issue...

  2. If you can find it, I'd love to read it.

  3. I wish I could! I took it with me to Maine like 6-7 years ago, read the whole thing cover to cover. It's the only DRAGON I ever read that much. I'll have to research which issue it was.


    Issue #288
    Four Faces of Death: New Death Gods for Your Game

  5. NICE thanks for the research. Now, to find the ish!
