Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fable III Prostitutes

People seemed to either love or hate Fable II.  G4's X-Play named it their 2008 Game of the Year but countless complaints still abound on the internets about how terribly far from Peter Molyneux's original vision for the game it ultimately fell.  I loved it and played the crap out of it.  The combat was simple on the surface and just barely complex enough to keep things interesting with a pleasant mix of melee weapons, guns, and magic all in one, naturally feeling flow.  I liked how I really felt like I could control my character's future any way I wanted - marry whoever I wanted, have as many or as few kids as I wanted, kill anyone I wanted if I chose to be evil, etc.  Sure, I had a few complaints (namely, the final battle) but ultimately I had fun.  And a shit ton of it (yes, that is a valid unit of measure; one shit ton is about a fuckload of regular tons).  Anyway, Fable III is due out October 26th.  Not sure I'll be getting it at release (probably not) but pictures like the one above remind me of the humorous and lightweight tone the game series has that I miss.

1 comment:

  1. My only complaint is that it's an XBOX exclusive. :P

    The male prostitutes... to quote Lord Vader: DO NOT WANT!!!!
