Thursday, February 3, 2011

Duty Calls

Here's the thing: I like the Call of Duty series. It catches a lot of flak for having a similar plot, narrative style, and gameplay in every game of the franchise but can't you say that about damn near every other game series? Both Dead Space games are the same. Both Uncharted games are the same. All of the Metal Gear Solid games are identical, really. Sure, each new game brings a few new knick knacks to the table, but ultimately they are the in the same vein as the games that come before them in their respective series.

The following is a hilarious video making fun of pretty much every complaint I've heard about Call of Duty, mixing in some online goofiness (like the ranking up after each kill). If you haven't played any of the recent games in the series (e.g., Modern Warfare, Black Ops, etc) you may not understand every jab but it's funny nonetheless.

Here's the best part: the parody vid was created by EA (the Call of Duty games are published by Activision). And, to top it all off, you can actually download it and play it HERE.

EDIT: Interestingly, the Duty Calls game parody was created as a viral marketing campaign for EA's upcoming game, Bulletstorm which looks like it might be an extremely fun FPS. If you've forgotten, the ad guys for Bulletstorm also came up with the Halo parody trailer seen HERE.

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