Friday, February 18, 2011

Guy Cannot Watch the Dead Island Trailer

Pardon me for getting a little bit personal today. I promise that after this post I will go back to saying how things are either "awesome" or "shitty."

SPOILER WARNING: Do NOT read the following or watch the video below if you have not seen the trailer/s for the game Dead Island posted HERE.

I have to be brutally honest: my reaction was similar to this guy's (Rooster Teeth's Geoff). I too am a father of a little girl and have trouble seeing movies or reading news stories that involve little girls in peril - they turn my stomach. All of my previous odd fears (little spiders, clowns, nuns, nuns with clown paint vomiting little spiders out their mouths, etc) have completely washed away when we had our little girl. Now, my single greatest fear is that I won't be able to protect her from all of the nasty things in our world that are out there. Seeing the Dead Island trailer gave me that stomach churning feeling, but I knew I was watching something that I consider to be a piece of art and saw it through to the end more than once. The intention is to make you cringe, to make you... feel. And it works. Well, at least it did for me and obviously for Geoff as you'll see in the following video.

Is it marketing? Is it art? Despite its horrifying display, is it beautiful? Is it good story telling?

Think about it and, while you do, check out Geoff's reaction below.

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